How to Know if You Been Called to Prophecy

fifteen Signs you may take the Gift of Prophecy and 2 Warnings – Prophetic Series Part iv

This is part iv of our prophetic series.  In this post nosotros will talk about the fifteen Signs or Traits that you have the Souvenir of Prophecy.  If this is the first time you are seeing this series hither are the commencement 3:

The Gift of Prophecy

Prophetic Words, Sowing Seeds and Money

How do prophets hear from God?

If you are new to the gift of prophecy and yous are non sure if you accept the souvenir here are some characteristics of the prophetic gift:

  1. Yous desire deep intimacy with God. Y'all take a deep prayer life.
  2. You hear God speak to yous in many of the means in which He speaks to the


  3. Always seeking to hear the Lord on situations.  Prophets ever looks for what God has to say
  4. Yous have premonitions or received information from the Lord on hereafter events that y'all've seen come to pass.
  5. If you are a Seer, y'all volition see things in the spirit that others cannot run into.  You may even believe it was your imagination at first.
  6. You are keenly aware that your words have authority and what you speak actually happens.  Sometimes y'all may fifty-fifty be afraid to enunciate some things considering you don't want to run across them happen.
  7. Other people have told you that things you lot've prayed or said actually happened
  8. Y'all are drawn to the prophetic and probably have a lot of dreams and see symbols of eagles
  9. You lot've helped people get gratuitous or delivered from situations
  10. You have a standard for righteousness and tin can meet many problems inside your church that others may not run into
  11. You feel split and apart from most people in your church and run into the need for deep repentance
  12. You mostly do not follow other people, y'all follow God and what He is telling you to practise. This means that y'all are a loner and you may non take a lot of friends, if any at all.
  13. You lot're often misunderstood.
  14. You are a black and white person. There is no in between.
  15. Your deepest desire is to plow people abroad from sin and towards God.  From sin to repentance to restoration.

If y'all read whatever of the prophets in the onetime testament you will see these 15 traits in them.

What is the purpose of prophesy?

(ane Corinthians 14:three AMP) "But [on the other manus] the one who prophesies speaks to people for edification [to promote their spiritual growth] and [speaks words of] encouragement [to uphold and advise them concerning the matters of God] and [speaks words of] alleviation [to compassionately comfort them]."

Most in the body of Christ are under the impression that prophecies are only suppose to be comforting and encouraging but this is simply part of the moving picture.  Again, if you lot read the bible in its entirety you lot will see that before the blessings of God there has to be repentance from sin.  Prophesying repentance is not a touchy feel-skilful subject just we can't get to the blessings until we get through that.

On the other paw, in that location are prophets that only prophesy judgement.  How can they non see the end of the road?  How are they unable to see that at the terminate of the judgment we have blessings?

The procedure is sin to repentance to restoration. And so sometimes the prophetic word can exist a rebuke and information technology is just equally anointed as the one that encourages.

All prophets are intercessors but not all intercessors are prophets.

Remember, intercession is a gatekeeper type of gift.  Because the intercessor has access to God and communicates with God on a regular basis, God gives them the gifts they need to intercede for others.  Then they can move from gift to gift to souvenir as is needed for prayers to be answered.  Therefore, the intercessor can kickoff out operating in a word of noesis (a 1 time now word) and so motility into a prophetic word (a word for a future engagement) and so move into the full souvenir of prophecy.  Keep in heed, a person can be a prophetic intercessor and non be called to exist a prophet.  If y'all are an intercessor and you desire to know this difference…usually the prophetic gift is completely close off exterior of intercession.  And so, when they first interceding it's on and when they stop it's no longer operational.  Prophets tin can prophesy without going into deep intercession.  Although, information technology'south highly unlikely to be sustained without an active prayer life.  You can't actually be God'due south spokesperson without regular communion with God. Prayer is a part of communion with God.  Therefore, prophets from God have an agile prayer life.  If you are receiving prophetic words with niggling to no prayer life, and then y'all need to question the source of the words you are receiving.

All seers are prophets but not all prophets are seers.

If yous can see into the realm of the spirit, you are prophet because what God is showing you in the spiritual realm is something that you will need to prophesy into, warn others about or stop information technology.  You can exist a prophet and not have the seer gift.  Because recollect there are other means that God tin can communicate with you besides spiritual sight.

Not everyone who receives a prophetic word from the Lord is a prophet

Just because you tin hear God and He gives you dreams and visions doesn't mean you are a prophet.  It just means you accept the ability to communicate with your Begetter in heaven because you are a child of God.

I'grand going to say that again…

If God gives you a dream and information technology happens as He showed it to you this does non mean that you are a prophet.

I'm going to say that again…

God spoke with Mary in the bible, He spoke with Elizabeth, He spoke with Joseph through dreams and none of these people are prophets.  They are children of God and God communicated with them.

So how will you know?  Become dorsum and read the fifteen traits above, if you are not able to connect with the majority on the list, at that place's a possibility you lot exercise not have the gift of prophecy.  You lot may be a child of God who has the ability to communicate with your Father, which is amazing considering a lot of Christians do not accept this developed and this can be taught.

This is something for yous to know because the spiritual warfare, suffering and persecution that comes with existence a prophet called of the Lord is very heavy and if you lot are not called to this, y'all will non be able to handle information technology.

15 signs or traits you may have the gift of prophecyHither are 2 Warnings for prophets

This is important to remember as you outset growing in this gift. Near ministries don't warn people about the pitfalls of this souvenir.  Therefore, most Christians start off well with the gift of prophecy and then end up in i of these 2 traps.

ane. Yous must sentry out for the spirit of Jezebel. Remember that she preys on the prophet and looks to castrate and kill the anointing if she can't make you one of her subjects and have you working for her (as a false prophet and one of her children).  While I employ the discussion "she" please empathize this is a spirit so it can be present in a man as well every bit a adult female.

(1 Kings 18:iv) For so it was, while Jezebel massacred the prophets of the Lord, that Obadiah had taken one hundred prophets and hidden them, fifty to a cavern, and had fed them with breadstuff and water.

If you discover yourself in a grouping and the leader or 2nd in control carries the spirit of Jezebel, any person around them who says they are a prophet is actually a false prophet or ane of Jezebel'due south children or a eunuch in the spirit (Revelation two:20-23).  Anyone who is a true prophet of God will not be able to stay around someone with a spirit of Jezebel.  The two spirits cannot coexist in the same infinite considering they are enemies.

Most prophets come into their calling as a prophet through intercession.  They tend to start out on prayer lines or in prayer groups.  Hence, these groups always accept the spirit of Jezebel lurking.  This spirit wants to go the prophet when they are young, if they have not yet fully developed in their gift of discerning of spirits and they may not even know that they have the prophetic gift, the spirit of Jezebel turns them into her slave working for her. Prophesying for her and against others.  Nearly prophets have gone through deep persecution and suffering because of the gifting. The spirit of Jezebel is drawn to wounded people; therefore, if she finds someone with the gift of prophecy and they are wounded to boot, she will go after them.  She comes in finds your weakness, pretends to be the friend , forms an brotherhood and after she has pulled you in she starts training you lot.  If you are new to intercession and the gift of prophecy the training will basically be cursing other people.  Remember, the prophet's words take dominance in the spirit realm so she only needs them to use their tongue to kill others and open doors for her and shut doors that she wants airtight on others. She puts herself in the place of God past manipulation and control and in the end the prophet goes to her as their higher authorization instead of God.

She basically prostitutes the souvenir for evil. Spiritual adultery.  If the prophet is non one who reads the give-and-take and understands what God would or would not do before you lot know information technology he/she is walking in deep witchcraft.

If you are currently a part of a group and y'all take discerned Jezebels, you need to go out.  Y'all shouldn't be tolerating it.  You'll exist nether spiritual attacks initially considering they are not going to be happy that they lost you, only you demand out equally soon as possible.

Revelation 2 to the Church of Thyatira

18"To the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose anxiety are like burnished bronze. nineteenI know your deeds, your honey and religion, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than y'all did at first. twentyNonetheless, I accept this confronting you: You tolerate that adult female Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. Past her instruction she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 21I have given her time to repent of her immorality, only she is unwilling. 22So I will bandage her on a bed of suffering, and I will brand those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. 23I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches volition know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of y'all according to your deeds. 24Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, to you who do not concord to her teaching and have not learned Satan'south and then-called deep secrets, 'I will not impose whatever other burden on you, 25except to hold on to what you have until I come.' 26To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— 27that 1 'volition rule them with an atomic number 26 scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery'—simply as I have received authority from my Father. 28I volition also requite that one the morning time star. 29Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

ii.  Watch out for the familiar spirits. When God gives you prophetic word information technology comes by the unction of the Holy Spirit.  Yous can't strength God to give yous a prophetic word.  If He has zero to say, practice the concluding affair He told you lot to do.  When I hear people say that other people pull prophetic words out of them, that is a trivial scary.  There is nothing to pull.  You either have a word or you don't. When you prophesy out of turn, when God has not said anything what y'all are doing is tapping into divination and familiar spirits.

When the Israelites got impatient waiting for Moses to come downwards the mountain, what did they practice?  Build the gold calf.  When Saul was specifically told by the Prophet Samuel to look for him and he went ahead and offered the burnt offer without waiting for Samuel, he sinned.  Nosotros take to acquire to wait on God considering when nosotros act out of impatient then nosotros put ourselves in sin

 (Isaiah 25:9) "Information technology shall be said in that twenty-four hours, Lo, this is our God; we take waited for him, and he volition save usa; this is the Lord; we take waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation"

When we don't wait on God a demon is always waiting around to bring the answer.  So why a familiar spirit?  Well these are the spirits that are fastened to generations.  When y'all see patterns of sin happening in a family, there is a familiar spirit at piece of work.  They create generational curses.  Yes, even subsequently yous are saved yous can still accept a generational curse attached to your family if information technology is not cleaved.  How will yous know if yous have a generational curse on your family?  There are patterns that happen when a curse is in place.  If you accept a family with women who have miscarriages throughout the generations, there is a spirit at work.  When you accept multiple marriages like 3-iv marriages over generations of people, it's a spirit.  No one in your family unit got married?  Patterns of suicide.  Every family member eventually gets Alzheimer or cancer.  No, it'southward not genetic!  It'south a curse that needs to be broken and Can be broken, in Jesus proper noun.  Don't accept it. You are a child of God old things have past away and all things have been made new.  That means your life needs to reflect that.  No longer should you take anything that was once a office of the old spiritually unrenewed man.  This is a function of your inheritance in Christ Jesus (Psalm 103:1-5).  The familiar spirits proceed records of you.

And then when you take a prophet that gives you information that is correct, this doesn't necessarily hateful they are from God because the familiar spirit knows everything about you.  They've been watching you since you were a kid.  If yous never prayed them off or got rid of them they are still at that place.

How to know when a prophet is working with familiar spirits

  1. All roads lead to the coin.  By the cease of their bulletin you end up giving them your money, giving them your machine, your house, your wedding ring.  Lookout out! (2 Peter 2 and Numbers 22)
  2. The prophetic word that you receive from them will exist 100% flesh.  You're going to be rich.  Y'all'll alive a mansion.  You'll have a big ministry.  You, you, yous, yous.  It'due south always centered around stuff.
  3. They prophesy huge blessings but never bring upward repentance or going to the foot of the cross.
  4. When they do talk well-nigh someone's sin it is insensitive and cause public shame, injure and humiliation.  Some things should never be said in a public forum.
  5. Therefore, there's no beloved.
  6. They operate with signs, wonders and miracles just there is no talk of salvation.  No one ever comes to know the Lord in those meetings.
  7. They tin can tell you the make of cigarette in your pocket simply they will never pray deliverance over you to go rid of that demon of addiction.
  8. Information technology is a selfish spirit.  It is self serving. Prideful.
  9. They tap into your desires and apply information technology against y'all.  They look at the idol of your heart and use it to become you on the hook.
  10. They never submit to the church building authorisation.
  11. They target weak minded or new Christians who don't know enough of the discussion of God.
  12. They tin can prophesy with tremendous accuracy because the data comes from the familiar spirit who is attached to you that gives information technology to the familiar spirit attached to them.
  13. Here's the conclusion you lot will come to later awhile, they've been so authentic about so many things merely at the end of the mean solar day it seems to all come back to money and merchandising.  Yep, all roads pb to coin.

The iv worse things that happen to people or prophets afterwards they come in contact with someone who prophesies from a familiar spirit is this…

1. They get a familiar spirit assigned to them.  If y'all never had one before you now have 1 because y'all sat under a prophet that had that on them.  If you sowed into their ministry, you sowed into a familiar spirit.  Therefore, you reap a familiar spirit.

2. Because yous accept this familiar spirit that has been assigned to you, yous now take to question every dream or vision you received from the moment you got in contact with that prophet.  Because, they very well could be false visions and dreams at present that you have this spirit attached to you.  Doesn't mean that all of your dreams and visions become false merely you need to bring every unmarried one before the Lord and enquire if they are from Him.

3. You lot have to go back to the beginning of your contact with the simulated prophet and erase every prophetic word they accept ever given you. Why? They are imitation.  So hopelessness will set in.  Hope deferred because yous are waiting on something to happen which will never happen.  The devil gave you lot false hope.  Go back to the outset and brand sure that yous don't follow things that you were told by this prophet.

iv. If you shared things with this prophet that God showed y'all about your future, the enemy is now going to endeavor to assault it, come against it and prevent it from happening.  Think, they but piece of work off of information.  So, if you told them now they know.  So if you find that things you were sure were from God are non happening that is considering the familiar spirit got a hold of it…because you told them.  Now y'all need to war to keep what is from the Lord and belongs to you.  You lot may experience delays in your promises but you demand to fight for them.

Now imagine these same prophets who operate with familiar spirits get-go a school of the prophets, what do you call up happens to the people they mentor?  They impart a familiar spirit onto those prophets as well.  How else does Jezebel end up with 450 prophets?  They have to recruit.

This is why the prophets of old didn't travel around with a lot of people.  You will find that most people with a prophetic souvenir that are really walking with the Lord are loners.  They tin can't just have anyone around them.  They accept to protect the anointing and their spirit. Otherwise, they pick upward stuff.  King Saul who was not a prophet prophesied in ane Samuel x because he was hanging out with prophets.  Information technology'south contagious whether it's good or it's bad.

When Saul wanted to kill David because of the anointing that was upon Samuel anyone that went around him started to prophesy, fifty-fifty Saul, and no one could touch David.

(1 Samuel 19:18-24) "So David fled and escaped, and went to Samuel at Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and stayed in Naioth. At present it was told Saul, saying, "Take note, David is at Naioth in Ramah!" And so Saul sent messengers to take David. And when they saw the group of prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as leader over them, the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied. And when Saul was told, he sent other messengers, and they prophesied likewise. Then Saul sent messengers again the third time, and they prophesied also. Then he also went to Ramah, and came to the nifty well that is at Sechu. So he asked, and said, "Where are Samuel and David?" And someone said, "Indeed they are at Naioth in Ramah." So he went there to Naioth in Ramah. Then the Spirit of God was upon him as well, and he went on and prophesied until he came to Naioth in Ramah. And he also stripped off his apparel and prophesied earlier Samuel in similar manner, and lay down naked all that twenty-four hours and all that nighttime. Therefore they say, "Is Saul as well amid the prophets?"

The leader of the group will decide the spirit of the group.  It all comes from the elevation.

Familiar spirits travel like wild fire so if you are hanging effectually people in the prophetic who have information technology on them, you are going to pick one up.  Prophets who operate with familiar spirits initially reap fiscal benefits and become elevated past the torso of Christ because of their accuracy.  These demonic spirits only use this initially get the prophet hooked then what follows is a series of false visions, false dreams that non only lead other Christians astray but that false prophet likewise.  They offset going after things that are non real and end up nowhere.  Total hopelessness. So the same spirit uses to false information to accuse them and tear them downwards publicly.  The end game is to impale, steal & destroy.

You volition know you take a familiar spirit because God will show information technology to you.  In dreams you'll have someone or something following y'all.  Sometimes yous'll meet the same person or spirit in several dreams.  That is what it is.  They travel with you wherever you become because they need to collect information on you.  Later y'all intermission it off yourself enquire God to bear witness you where and how you picked it up and then you avoid this.

If you lot are reading this,  and y'all believe yous may have a familiar spirit, then you need to suspension it off of yourself.  Here is more information on Familiar Spirits

Think, you will pick upwards what you hang effectually so you must be able to discern, discern, discern the source of all prophetic messages.  Before you get as well securely involved in having someone mentor yous, brand sure you know what spirit is operating in that location. Take the fourth dimension (months) to spotter them, how they operate, how they treat people, is at that place any love there?

For those of you with the Gift of Prophecy, here's one final idea God wants me to share with yous…

Jesus stripped Himself of His divinity and came to earth to salvage you.  He was browbeaten across recognition, bled and He died just to save you.  That is how much He loves you.  Not only did He practise this but He as well bestowed upon you lot a spiritual gift of prophecy.  You were given the gift so that y'all could encourage others, bring them to repentance, deliver them and lead them to Him. Do you think information technology is right to take the free souvenir of salvation and the free spiritual souvenir that you lot were given and sell information technology to someone else? How do you remember Jesus would react as He stands in your midst and heed to you tell someone to activate the give-and-take that tin can save their very soul they must sow a seed?  Exercise yous recollect He would exist pleased with that?  You would be selling what He died for.  Profiting off of the claret of Jesus.  He died for that person also!

This is so grievous.  Does it not grieve the Spirit of God within you? Information technology should. I don't intendance how they phrase it "sow a seed", "partner with the word",  "actuate the word", "for any donation…" NO!

Jesus is not happy.  These prophets & pastors always give this one scripture in the bible about the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17) as justification for what they are doing.  It was one adult female in the entire history of Elijah's ministry.  It was not the mode that Elijah made his living.  Information technology was a word for one woman, not a discussion for the masses.  Elijah lived by supernatural provision and words of noesis equally he moved from one identify to the next.  As well as all the other prophets and disciples.  God gave them discussion of knowledge and wisdom on how to survive.  He brought people to them to support them.

The aforementioned God who gives yous the prophetic word for people tin can give you a business concern thought, tin can give you multiple streams of income, can testify you the hidden riches in dark places. Can He non? Won't He do information technology?

Information technology is wrong try to profit off of the blood of Jesus! He died to requite you the word.  Now you must die to the animalism of the flesh and the lust of the eyes in guild to requite the Word to someone else.  Jesus gave Himself as an example. Ministry is a sacrifice, it is not a concern.

God is allowing this to go on for a time so that the slap-up separation of the wheat and tares will be obvious to anybody.  When He shows upwards to overturn the money changers table, that group won't be able to hide because EVERYONE will know who communes with the spirit of mammon.

You lot will be tested in this surface area.  When information technology starts happening…Stay pure.  Flee from the spirit of mammon, greed & lust.  Don't defile yourself. Serve God with a pure centre and clean hands.

Does this mean that you can't ask people for a donation? No.  Information technology doesn't mean that at all.  There is zippo wrong with you lot request people for a donation if you lot take a need in your ministry.  Ask and information technology will be given to you.  What y'all should never do is tell people that yous tin can't give them the give-and-take or the word has no consequence without them sowing a seed.  Do y'all see the difference?  There is a difference.

I've been asked before to give personal prophetic words to be people for a donation, the reply is No.

I don't charge for prayers and I don't accuse for prophetic words.  If I take a word to give you, I'll give it to you. You need prayer, I'll pray for y'all. There is no money involved. I got the souvenir for gratuitous, I give the gift for costless.

Here's some other one…What if I give you $1,000 every month, can y'all requite me a monthly prophetic word?  No.  What if the give-and-take I give you is ane of rebuke, will you want a refund?  This will eventually pb to compromise. How in the world am I going to have a prophetic word specifically for you lot every month?  What if the Lord gives me zippo for you?  Now I tap into a familiar spirit and divination considering of coin.

All of this is a trap from the enemy.

If people are being blessed by your ministry they volition donate to your ministry.  The Lord Himself will make certain they do it.  Don't sell the gift.

You lot can read this article if y'all want to know more virtually sowing seed and collecting money, all the scriptures are here.

Hither are the other posts in this prophetic serial Agreement the timeline of a prophetic word  and How to start using your Prophetic Souvenir

I hope this helps to polish a calorie-free on somethings y'all may have discerned in the prophetic. Practice you have whatever questions?  Write them in the comments. God Bless!


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